Friday, July 1, 2011

A Dialogue Revealed: Part III

Ill-Advised Priorities No. 3, No. 15, No. 16, Silkscreen and found materials on paper, 3 x 4 in, 2011

I created the Big Ten Print Exchange in the Fall of 2010. Inspired by the Big Ten Athletic Conference, this print exchange was intended to display the diverse talent of the ten universities that are part of that institution and create a dialogue amongst them. Coincidentally the Big Ten has some of the most respected printmaking programs in the country. These schools are as follow:

University of Wisconsin Madison, The University of Iowa, The University of Indiana Bloomington, The Ohio State University, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Penn State University, University of Minnesota, and Purdue University.

The images above are a few of the prints that I made for this exchange. I used priority mail stickers as a foundation for which I could apply materials and marks. Each print is unique.

Untitled, Intaglio, Mixed media and found objects on paper, 4 x 6 in, 2011

In 2011, I had the opportunity to travel to St. Louis for the Southern Graphics Conference (SGC), it had been the first time I have attended a SGC event and it blew my mind. This city was full of printmakers and I must have seen thousands of prints in the course of four days. It reinforced the notion of how important printmaking was and how it was still alive and kicking. It brought back that sense of pride I had during my undergrad days. Upon arrival back in Columbus, I chose to make a series of etchings using found materials.

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